
New Chinese Museums Exhibition Exchange Plattform
Chinese Museums Association Exhibition Exchange platform was officially launched during ICOM’s 24th General Conference in Milan, Italy on 4 July 2016.
is a free service provided by the Chinese Museums Association. Museums can publish exhibitions on the platform, creating an information exchange network. It is furthermore a bridge between Chinese museums and their international partners for exhibition exchanges. The platform introduces Chinese exhibitions to the world and showcases exhibitions from around the world to Chinese museums. The platform is run and supported by Tianyu Cultural Group.
There are some 4,692 museums all over China, hosting more than 20,000 exhibitions every year and attracting more than 720,000,000 visitors. Chinese museums enjoy huge archaeological resources and an important number of visitors. Thanks to a favourable cultural policy toward museums, China and different actors of the Chinese society will further invest in the museum industry. The future of exhibition exchanges in China looks more than promising.
Are you looking for Chinese venues for your turnkey exhibition?
Do you want to tour your exhibition to China?
Are you looking for Chinese exhibitions for your museums?
Do you want to collaborate with Chinese museums on some exhibition projects?
Always wanted to work with Chinese museums but don’t know where to start?
Chinese Museums Association Exhibition Exchange platform will connect you with Chinese museums based on your requests and establish long-term partnerships. If you want to share your exhibitions with Chinese museums, please fill out the agreement and registration form in order to authorise us to publish your exhibition information on www.chinamuseum.com and other communication channels.
Don’t forget to attach some photos of your exhibitions. (Bonus, we will translate your exhibition information in Chinese for you.)
Questions? Projects to share?
Yu Zhang, our international director based in Paris, will be glad to help: yu.zhang@chinamuseum.com
About us
Chinese Museums Association
Created in 1982, the Chinese Museums Association is a non-for-profit NGO representing the interests of Chinese museums and museum professionals. It shares the same secretariat as ICOM China, the national committee of International Council of Museums. Its regular activities include training, conferences and publications dedicated to museums. Every year, it selects the top 10 exhibition designs of Chinese museums.
Tianyu Cultural Group
Tianyu Cultural Group provides its expertise to Chinese museums in areas of exhibition production, exhibition exchange, museum education and design of cultural products. Its branch Beijing Interactive Culture Technology (Hudong Wenbo Keji) is authorised by the Chinese Museums Association to collect and publish exhibition information on www.chinamuseum.com.
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