
Museum Week 2019
Bald ist es wieder soweit - die #MuseumWeek zeigt die Vielfältigkeit der internationalen Museumslandschaft!
Zu den verschiedenen Hashtags können Museen Bilder in ihren Social-Media Kanälen posten. Heuer stehen besonders die Frauen in Museen und im Kulturbereich im Zentrum.
Monday 13 May: #WomenInCulture
Tuesday 14 May: #SecretsMW
Wednesday 15 May: #PlayMW
Thursday 16 May: #RainbowMW
Friday 17 May: #ExploreMW
Saturday 18 May: #PhotoMW
Sunday 19 May: #FriendsMW
Although the role of women in society is obviously just as important as that of men, it is far from being properly recognised. The world of culture is coming together to launch#WomenInCulture, a worldwide movement intending to promote the role of women in the fields of history, art, culture, science and culture in general, yesterday, today, tomorrow.First, to pay tribute to those who should have been known by the general audience, and to give them the historical importance they deserve. Second, togive a shoutout to all these women actively engaged in the cultural world today, includingindividuals, workers, influencers, funders, etc. And finally, toraise awareness on the importance of the education of girls: just like boys, girls can become artists, philosophers, cultural workers, writers or scientists.
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MuseumWeekOfficial/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/museumweek/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MuseumWeekV
Kontakt: https://vk.com/MuseumWeek
Weibo: https://www.weibo.com/MuseumWeek
Downloads Visuals: http://bit.ly/visualsMW
Social Media Kit: http://bit.ly/SocialMedialKitMW