
Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,
in these dramatic days for Ukraine, the Polish Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM Poland) is asking for your support in our efforts to help Ukrainian museum professionals.
In the third week of the Russian aggression on Ukraine, Poland received over 1,7 millions of refugees, mainly women, children and the elderly. Extensive help is being offered by the Polish population and the local and state governments to assist them. They often arrive with few, if any, belongings and are in need of shelter, food, medical supplies and so on. In Ukraine people are not only fighting the aggressor, but also try to protect and save the cultural heritage: museums, libraries, monuments, architectural gems. Polish museums and Ministry of Culture and National Heritage are organizing help for museums and cultural institutions in numerous Ukrainian cities.
What do we do?
ICOM Poland decided to focus on the needs of the museum personnel that found refuge in our country. With the assistance of ICOM General Secretariat we established an Ukrainian speaking office and started to locate persons scattered throughout Polish cities. We plan to provide 3-months individual grants to the museum professionals that will apply. These grants should help them to accommodate their first needs. At the same time, our office will act as a contact point between the grantees and Polish museums and cultural institutions, so that they may find a job and a welcoming professional milieu. The Polish state already simplified the necessary employment formalities to the minimum.
In order to provide these grants (approximately 850 EURO per month) we need to raise funds in the international milieu. The Polish state and private pockets are getting dry fast. We count on the support of all organizations that are involved with museums, cultural heritage, art history and humanitarian help.
How to contact us?
We are ICOM Poland
https://icom-poland.mini.icom.museum/kim-jestesmy/, an NGO registered in Poland in the Country Court Registry KRS: 0000894842.
Address: Pl. Malachowskiego 3, 00-916 Warsaw, Poland
Contact: helpukraine@icompolska.eu
Name of Bank: Santander Bank Polska
Address: al. Jana Pawła II 17, 00-854 Warszawa, Poland
Name of account holder: POLSKI KOMITET NARODOWY
IBAN Number (EURO account): PL85 1090 1056 0000 0001 4994 4413
Title of payment: Help Ukraine