
Update: Information on the Nepal Earthquake
ICOM Disaster Relief Task Force (DRTF), an ICOM technical committee, has been collecting information and working on a Museum Watch List for Nepal after the devastating earthquake of April and its numerous aftershocks hitting the region.
A joint ICOM/ICOMOS/ICCROM damage assessment mission will be working in Nepal between 25-30 May, at the invitation of the Department of Antiquities of Nepal and the UNESCO Nepal office. Corine Wegener, Chair of DRTF and Cultural Heritage Preservation Officer of the Smithsonian Institution, will take part in the mission. They will work with the local teams to document damage, assist with emergency stabilisation, and plan for First Aid hands-on workshops to take place in June.
More info on DRTF action and missions: http://icom.museum/…/standing-c…/disaster-relief-task-force/
Dear Blue Shield Colleagues,
The 25th April Earthquake in Nepal has caused loss of more than 3000 lives and also has caused destruction and severe damage to the historic centre of Kathmandu and other heritage sites throughout the Kathmandu Valley. Quake-related damage has been reported throughout the region.
Our colleagues in ICOMOS-ICORP and ICCROM have started the
Kathmandu Cultural Emergency Crowdmap
which aims to collect information on the damage caused to cultural heritage sites and institutions in Nepal. This initiative is coordinated by Ms Aparna Tandon, ICCROM project specialist, and Mr Rohit Jigyasu, President of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness - ICORP, and other partners. Aparna and Rohit are in CC. for coordination and more information.
May I kindly ask you to help and circulate the links below among your networks in ICOM, IFLA, and ICA and help to collect information about damaged cultural heritage sites and institutions in Nepal?
Please follow these links for more details:
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Bijan Rouhani
ICOMOS- Blue Shield
Foto-Credit: ©UNESCO Kathmandu Office /Manhart Christian