
ICOM October
The month kicks off with a joint conference of ICOM’s International Committee for Historic House Museums (DEMHIST) and the Association of European Royal Residences (ARRE) in Compiègne, France from 7-10 October on the theme Authenticity in the Conservation of Historic Houses and Palace-Museums. Meanwhile, the International Committee for Museums of Arms and Military History (ICOMAM) will hold its annual congress on the theme Military History Museums: Contemporary History and Social Relevance in Moscow, Russia from 8-10 October.
Next, a joint annual conference of ICOM’s International Committee for Education and Cultural Action (CECA) and ICOM’s International Committee for University Museums and Collections (UMAC) will take place from 9-14 October in Alexandria, Egypt, on the theme Squaring the Circle? Research, Museum, Public : A Common Engagement Towards Effective Communication. Then, ICOM’s International Committee for Museums and Collections of Natural History (NATHIST) will hold their annual meeting on the theme The Future of Natural History Museums: Relevance, Balance and Innovation from 10-15 October in Zagorje, Croatia, while members of ICOM’s International Committee for Museums and Collections of Ethnography (ICME) meet in Zagreb from 14-16 October to discuss the theme Museums and Innovations. The annual conference of ICOM’s International Committee for Museums and Collections of Decorative Arts and Design (ICDAD) will take place next, from 15-17 October in Graz, Austria on the theme Collectors and Collections: their role in decorative arts and design museums.
After that, ICOM’s International Committee for Regional Museums (ICR) will hold its annual meeting from 19-25 October in Taipei, Taiwan, on the theme Museum Collections make Connections, while ICOM’s International Committee for the Training of Personnel (ICTOP) members come together for theirs in Hanoi and Ha Long Bay, Vietnam, on the theme Rethinking Museums & Sustainable Development for the Global Profession: Postcolonial Museology, Appropriate Capacity Building and Regional Engagement. Then, the XII Chilean Museological Conference (XII Jornadas Museológicas Chilenas), organised by ICOM Chile on the theme Collections, Museums and The City (Colecciones, museos y ciudad), will take place from 28-30 October in Valparaíso, Chile. Lastly, ICOM Portugal will hold their automn meeting on the theme Museums and Management: New Bridges to Society (Museus e Gestão: Novas Pontes para a Sociedade) on 31 October in Portimão, Portugal.
Multiple National and International Committees organised live-tweeting during their conferences in September, which was met with a great deal of success among tweeters interested in cultural heritage and museums. Many of the conferences listed here will also organise live tweeting using the following hastags: #DEMHIST2014, #ICOMAM2014, #UMACECA2014 and #ICME2014. Stay up to date about events and activities within ICOM’s network, as well as live-tweeting hashtags, by following ICOM at @IcomOfficiel
Alle Termine finden Sie auch im ICOM Kalender: