
Rebuilding Europe: The cultural and creative economy before and after the COVID-19 crisis
Discover the immense size of Europe's creative economy and its vast untapped potential for a post-COVID recovery.
The European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers (GESAC) commissioned EY teams to produce a report on the state of the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in Europe.What was their economic situation before the COVID-19 crisis? What impact has the crisis had on activity and employment? And what are the main priorities for the sector to protect itself from the most serious consequences, to recover growth and enhance its value in the European economy? This study follows a report of the same type, entitled Creating Growth, published in December 2014.GESAC has brought together numerous partners representing the CCIs, in order to reflect the diversity and collective strength of this economy.The EY team would like to thank GESAC’s team, GESAC's partners and the experts interviewed across Europe. GESAC and EY would also like to thank ADAGP, BUMA, GEMA, SACEM, SCAM, SIAE and SOZA for their contributions. Everyone's contribution has been essential to the study. The study was carried out by EY Consulting, under the supervision of Marc Lhermitte, with the participation of Hugo Alvarez, Clémence Marcout, Quentin Nam and Enzo Sauze.
As a result of in-depth research and interviews conducted by EY and based on the opinions of experts and organizations representing the CCIs, the following challenges have been identified as priorities for the recovery and growth of the creative economy.