
Reader: ICOM Memorial Lectures 2016
Dear ICOM colleagues,
it is with great pleasure that the publication of the Reader for the ICOM Memorial Lectures 2016, on the occasion of the 24th ICOM General Conference in Milan, Italy, can be announced.
Under the auspices of ICOM Austria, and in cooperation with ICOM International, ICOM 2016 Milan, and the ICOM Committees CECA, ICEE, ICTOP and INTERCOM, an ICOM 70 Years' Jubilee lecture and the fourth joint Alma S. Wittlin and Stephen E. Weil ICOM Memorial Lectures were held on Tuesday, July 5, 2016.
A sad duty within this event was the commemoration of our Syrian museum colleagues, Qassem Abdallh Yehya (1978-2015) and Khaled al Asaad (1934-2015), who had suffered violent deaths at the hands of the IS.
The ICOM Memorial Lectures 2016 Reader documents the arrangement and makes available the following contributions:
Bernice L. Murphy: ICOM 70 years on: An ethical vision of nature, culture, heritage, and museums' continuing social mission
René Rivard: Museums and changing cultural landscapes M. Cristina Vannini: Looking inside the "Cabinet" twenty-one years after
The ICOM-Jubilee lecture by Bernice L. Murphy (former chair of the ICOM Committee for Ethics, director of Museums Australia) was dedicated to and focussed on ICOM's humanitarian mission of promoting and safeguarding cultural heritage, offering a historical developmental overview and galvanising outlook. Following this, the two Memorial Lectures explored changing museums' tasks that arise from various and variable social contexts, and took up the 2016 ICOM theme, "Museums and cultural landscapes".
ICOM Austria expresses its special thanks to Dr. Hadwig Kraeutler who professionally organized the memorial Lectures 2016 in Milan and now made this publications possible.