
Polis and the People: Looking into the future of urban cultural policies
Polis and the people: Looking into the future of urban cultural policies explores the current status of cultural policy at a local level and the challenges that lay ahead. Culture Action Europe (CAE) has brought together a diverse coalition of players working in the field of culture and the arts at a local level; including artists, scholars and urbanists, networks, cities, cultural centres and foundations. This publication takes stock of local cultural policy development, reflects on what we have learnt and where we are, before describing possible avenues forward when considering culture from a local perspective.
Cultural, civic and political advancement will only come to be if a diverse coalition of citizens, organisations and institutions work together at different levels. CAE aspires to mirror this process. As such, we summarise below the main points of convergence across contributions, distilling key concepts and proposals with cross-cutting support that could accompany the development of better cultural policies in the future.