Cultural Heritage Disaster Preparedness and Response
International Symposium Proceedings
Salar Jung Museum
Hyderabad, India
23-27 November 2003
Table of Contents
Preface by Jacques Perot
- Introduction by Manus Brinkman
- Rethinking Emergency Preparedness for Museums by Amareswar Galla
- Museums Emergency Programme Origin, past events and future developments by Cristina Menegazzi
Symposium Papers
International Organisation Contributions
- Assistance for Heritage in Danger by Chédlia Annabi
ICOM-ARAB (ICOM Regional Organisation for the Arab Countries) - Past Failures for Future Learning by Jørgen Wadum
ICOM-CC (ICOM International Committee for Conservation) - Natural Disaster Cooperation and Solution (Floods in Prague 2002) by Pavel Jirásek
ICOM-ICMS (ICOM International Committee for Museum Security) - Assessing Risk: Museum Emergency Planning for Natural, Civil and Armed Conflict Risks by Patrick Boylan
ICOM-ICTOP (ICOM International Committee for the Training of Personnel) - Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict: Role of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement by María Teresa Dutli
ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) - Médecins sans frontières: Key Issues in Emergency Projects by Manuel López Iglesias
MSF (Médecins sans frontières) - PMDA: a Potential Partner in the Coordination of Disaster Preparedness and Response Programmes for Cultural Heritage Institutions in Africa by Mwadime Wazwa
PMDA (Programme for Museum Development in Africa) - Risk-Preparedness Under the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its Second Protocol by Jan Hladík
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
Country Contributions
- Civil Defence and Cultural Property by Rubén Sánchez, Argentina
- Blue Shield in Benin by Théodore Aglassa, Benin
- A Brief Overview of Fire Disaster Management in Bhutan by Yonten Dargye, Bhutan
- Routine Conservation and Emergency Preparedness: Ethnographical Items by Murillo Marx, Brazil
- Preserving the Environment and Local Traditions in Emergency Preparedness and Response by Salvator Ntakarutimana, Burundi
- Community Responsibility and Involvement in Emergency Preparedness and Response: the Case of Congo-Brazzaville by Pascal Makambila, Congo
- Cultural Heritage in Costa Rica: Networking in Disaster Preparedness and Response by Miguel Herrera Gallegos, Costa Rica
- Developing the ICCROM Training Kit on "Risk Preparedness for Cultural Heritage" - Scope, Features and Challenges by Rohit Jigyasu, India
- Disaster Management Plan in Government Museum, Chennai by R. Kannan, India
- Mock Exercise at Salar Jung Museum by Sadashiva Reddy, India
- The Need for Community Involvement in Preventing and Responding to Heritage Emergencies in Jammu and Kashmir by Aparna Tandon, India
- The Italian Blue Shield Committee by Giovanni Pinna, Italy
- Cost-Effectiveness in Emergency Preparedness and Response: a Case for Sub-Saharan Africa by Freda Nkirote Joy M’Mbogori, Kenya
- Preserving the Environment and Local Traditions in Emergency Preparedness and Response - the Liberian Experience by Kennedy Nyewan, Liberia
- Community Responsibility and Involvement in Emergency Preparedness and Response by Chantal Radimilahy, Madagascar
- Fire of the Rova, the Queen's Palace, in Antananarivo by Jean-Aimé Rakotoarisoa, Madagascar
- The Need for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Plans by Ibrahim Bin Ismail, Malaysia
- Disaster Preparedness in Jakarta Museums by Pienke W.H. Kal, the Netherlands
- The 2001 Earthquake in Arequipa: Lessons Learned and International Rescue Network for Endangered Cultural Heritage by Franz Grupp, Peru
- Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico: A Case Study on Risk Preparedness by Doris Maza García, Puerto Rico
- Preparedness and Response for Cultural Heritage Disasters in Developing Countries by Nimal De Silva, Sri Lanka
- Disaster Preparedness and Response for Cultural Properties among Caribbean States by Larry Armony, St. Kitts and Nevis
- Threats and Measures: Some Examples of how to Deal with the Protection of Cultural Heritage on both a Short and Long-Term Basis by Per Kåks, Sweden
- Networking: « Coordination and Collaboration among Diverse Institutions and Organisations in Emergency Preparedness and Response » in the Island of Tobago by Edward Hernández, Trinidad and Tobago
- Earthquake Preparedness and Cultural Heritage Losses: The Case Study of Istanbul Museums by Nevra Erturk, Turkey
- Networking and Communication. Our Best Hope for an Adequate Response to Emergency Events by Barbara Roberts, the United States
- The Iraq National Museum: Networking, Coordination and Collaboration in Wartime Iraq by Corine Wegener, the United States
- Management and Prevention of Risks to the Cultural Heritage: Case of Venezuela by María Ismenia Toledo, Venezuela
- Table of acronyms
- List of participants
- Biographies
- Recommendations of Working Group 1
- Recommendations of Working Group 2
- Recommendations of Working Group 3
- Survey Questionnaire
- Cuestionario de Encuestras
- Questionnaire d'études