
eCult Vademecum - a guide for museums to develop a technology strategy
“Technology is like a ship: It needs to have a destination and a crew that knows how to steer it into the right direction.”
Tomislav Šola, 3rd eCult Dialogue Day
In the course of two years of the eCultValue project, five partners from museums, technology and research, with networks all over Europe, confronted technology developers (EU projects, creative SMEs) and cultural heritage institutions (museums, CH sites) to identify opportunities and challenges of technology take-up. This Vademecum is a response to the often heard need for clear indications on how to develop a technology strategy, and how to implement it.
Main target group of this Vademecum are museums, cultural heritage sites and cultural heritage collection owners. Furthermore, also those that finance such CH institutions, i.e. ministries, or private or public foundations for the promotion of CH. In a second step, the Vademecum is also geared at technology providers: They can find out the difficulties, problems and challenges CH institutions face when wanting to introduce technology solutions. The Vademecum is thus meant to teach them the "language" that is understood by museum staff and CH people. This is, primarily, not to offer technology, but to offer solutions to certain situations.