
Summer University Cultural Property Protection 2016

22. August 2016 - 26. August 2016, Donau-Universität Krems

Emergency and Evacuation Plans for World Heritage Sites


Disasters, be they manmade or nature induced, pose a terrible threat to our cultural heritage. Museums, depots or archaeological sites benefit from emergency and evacuation plans implemented and tested only before catastrophes strike.


During this one-week Summer University a model for an emergency evacuation of a museum/depot will be developed. Three teams will work on the juridical aspects of an evacuation, on correct inventorying of the objects rescued as well as efficient methods of preparing an evacuation by emergency task forces. Their work will be based on a real museum/depot connected to the Danube Limes, a future UNESCO World Heritage Site. A real-time evacuation exercise together with various emergency responders will put the results of the Summer University to a final test.


Course fee: 550 Euros
Students, armed forces personnel, and emergency-units: 250 Euros


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Zentrum für Kulturgüterschutz, Donau-Universität Krems:
