
NEMO: Museums & Social Responsibility - What's Next?
From 23-24 September 2021, the international museum community is invited to reflect on museums’ role in a changing society and how to deal with social issues in the online conference Museums & Social Responsibility - What's Next?.
NEMO Chair David Vuillaume will deliver an opening speech at conference, which is organised by the Slovenian Museums Association in partnership with NEMO and the General Direction Cultural Heritage Portugal (DGPC). Museums & Social Responsibility - What's Next?, organised in connection to the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, acknowledges the need for museums to fully understand contemporary societal issues to contribute to social responsibility. Therefore, the speakers will address topics such as cultural democracy and equality, climate change and green museums, future skills and needs as well as the use of technology in museum.
More Information:
Register to the free conference Museums & Social Responsibility - What's Next?
Have a look at the programme:
23. September 2021
10.30 Uhr: The Green Power of Museums
Bettina Leidl - 17 Museums x 17 SDGs - Museums as pioneers of the ecological transformation
The conference marks the third and final in a series of organised in connection with the Trio of Presidencies of the European Union (Germany, Portugal and Slovenia).
Watch recordings from the first conference Museums and Social Responsibility - Values revisited (hosted by NEMO from 17-18 September) and the second edition Museums and Social Responsibility - Participation, Networking and Partnerships (hosted by DGPC from 23-24 September).