
ICOM Vortrag: MoMA - a museum’s approach to accessibility and inclusion
Carrie McGee, Assistant Director for Community and Access Programs in the Department of Education at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York
Dienstag, 27. November 2018, mumok – museum moderner kunst stiftung ludwig wien
Beginn: 18:00 Uhr
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Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.”
Cultural participation is a fundamental part of the human experience, yet individuals with disabilities are often denied equality of participation within cultural institutions. In this keynote address, Carrie will discuss the idea of disability equality in a museum context, using MoMA as a case-study of an institution taking a museum-wide approach to accessibility and inclusion. She will demonstrate how such initiatives benefit both the museum and its visitors.
Carrie McGee
is the Assistant Director for Community and Access Programs in the Department of Education at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. She and her colleagues have won international respect for their unique efforts to make MoMA's extensive resources, collection and programs accessible to visitors with disabilities and other underserved audiences. She is responsible for developing programming for visitors with disabilities and in collaboration with community-based organizations, as well as the recruitment and training of museum educators and the implementation of museum-wide accessibility initiatives. She also teaches gallery and studio-based programs for diverse audiences, including a seminar at the Museum for medical school students from Columbia University. She has presented extensively in the US and abroad on accessibility and inclusion in museums. In 2009, Carrie coauthored Meet Me: Making Art Accessible to People with Dementia.