
ICOM Europe 2024 International Conference and Training Series
“Heritage Resilience: Safeguarding Cultural Legacy in Crisis Zones”
ICOM Georgia will host the ICOM Europe International Conference and trainings on “Heritage Resilience: Safeguarding Cultural Legacy in Crisis Zones,” marking the 70th anniversary of the UNESCO Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.
The event will commence with a specialized training series aimed at enhancing skills in disaster risk management, emergency preparedness, and crisis communication. This training will provide participants with practical strategies to safeguard cultural heritage in conflict-prone areas, focusing on disaster response, community engagement, and effective communication during emergencies.
Following the training series, the international conference will gather global experts to address the broader challenges and solutions related to protecting cultural heritage under threat. The conference will delve into best practices, the roles of various entities, and strategies to prevent the intentional destruction of cultural assets. It aims to offer a platform for knowledge exchange, addressing complex issues, and fostering international collaboration.
CALL for Papers
Conference theme
Excursions (tbc)
Useful information (tbc)
Further information:
19 August – Registration Open
10 September – Abstract Submission Deadline
30 September – Notification of abstract acceptance
15 November – Full Paper Submission Deadline
25-27 November – Trainings (information will follow soon via this website)
28-29 – Conference at the Georgian Fine Art Museum
30 November – Excursions
This landmark event is organized by ICOM Europe and ICOM Georgia, with contributions from ICOM International Committees (DRMC, MPR), and ICOM National Committees from France, Austria, Belgium, and Italy. Blue Shield France and Blue Shield Georgia will play a significant role, alongside the expertise of Opificio delle Pietre Dure and Istituto Centrale Per Il Restauro.
The training series is supported by the ICOM SAREC 2024 solidarity grant projects.
Conference hashtag: #ICOMEurope2024
Mark your calendars for this significant event that will drive advancements in heritage protection during crises.