
Cultural Property Protection in the 21st Century. Meeting Requirements across the Forces.
Internationale Konferenz der Landesverteidigungsakademie Wien
Austrian Armed Forces/National Defence Academy/ Centre for Leadership and Defence Awareness; supported by
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and in cooperation with
University for Continuing Education Krems,
Austrian Society for Cultural Property Protection and
Blue Shield Austria
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the 1954 Hague Convention and its 1954 First Protocol as well as the 25th anniversary of the adoption of its 1999 Second Protocol
70 years after the adoption of the 1954 Hague Convention the implementation of cultural property protection (CPP) within armed forces and during armed conflict still leaves room for improvement. Thus, the Centre for Leadership and Defence Awareness of the Austrian National Defence Academy is planning an international conference to discuss current questions pertaining to cultural heritage and cultural property protection, and to address common challenges and possibilities for an increased, sustainable implementation of CPP within armed forces. A further objective is to emphasize the significance of tangible and intangible heritage for societies and to elaborate on the added value of CPP for military missions and operations, education and training.
Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz ergehen mit der beigefügten Agenda.
Die Anmeldung: https://t.ly/K9GQc
Registrierungscode: CPPC2024
Um Registrierung bis 11. Oktober 2024 wird gebeten.
Eine Teilnahme inkludiert die Verpflegung während der gesamten Konferenz. Hierfür ist ein Unkostenbeitrag in der Höhe von EUR 60,- vorgesehen.
Administrative Details sowie das finale Programm werden mit dem Informationsschreiben zur Veranstaltung ausgesandt.