
Blue-Helmet-Blue-Shield Forum Austria 2017
Best Practice on Peace Keeping and Cultural Property Protection
0930 - 1000 Registration at the main entrance
1000 - 1030 Welcome addresses by
Franz Pichorner
Deputy General Director of the KHM and
Gen (ret) Günter Greindl
President Association of Austrian Peacekeepers
Introduction by Friedrich Schipper
Secretary of Blue Shield Austria and
Georg Plattner
Director of Antiquities of the KHM
1030 - 1115 Lecture by Mechthild Rössler, Director of the World Heritage Center, UNESCO
1115 - 1200 Lecture by Albagir Adam, Chief of Civil Affairs, UNIFIL HQ Naqoura, Libanon
1200 - 1300 Lunch break
1300 - 1345 Lecture by COL (GS) Wolfgang Paulik, Director of the CIMIC CoE, NATO, Den Haag
1345 - 1430 Lecture by BrigGen (ret) Norbert Fürstenhofer, Director CRCM Univ. f. Bodenkultur Wien
1430 - 1500 Coffee break
1530 - 1615 Lecture by Peter Stone, General Secretary of Blue Shield
1615 - 1700 Panel discussion
Nach der Veranstaltung wird zu einem Glas Wein geladen.
Welcome coffee at the Lecture Hall
Free entrance - limited number of participants
registration required by 1st of March 2017